The contract info in the menu says Ether contract bring 1$/ cycle, but talking with Emily in Sell contract option she says it bring 4$/ cycle. A few other contracts similarly mismatched info.
In version 0.18, whenever I click on "I'm an adult" it pops up the README.txt but doesn't allow the game to actually start. Clicking on it again brings up a separate notepad window with the readme in it. Clicking on "I'm not an adult" just force quits the game. Is there a fix or workaround for this?
It's working as intended. You're supposed to do something specific with that choice (which is used as a mechanic throughout the entire game). The game tells you that you can find what to do in the README. If you're an adult, the game opens the README so you can read what you're supposed to do.
How do I get trophy 19, I am in the mind maze and been throwing myself at it for a couple of hours. like I already past it once but I want to get the trophy.
Thanks for the info I’ll try it when I get home. I do love this type of game play since I also found a place to grind lvl’s for the girl’s in the town where your maid kills someone you just need to go in and out of any building to start a fight not sure if that was supposed to be like that because I have not had any mobs respawn in anywhere else. Was lvl20 now lvl32 not sure how your game mech’s will work will the mobs level up too or if I con’t lvl up will everything be 1 shot kills. Just something to think about if you haven’t already. Hope you have a wonderful day.
And... sorta? The enemy shouldn't respawn indefinitely, but there are a bunch of fights available in the Stebbing Estate that you can do if you want to grind, but there's a finite number of them. I'll have to look into that.
To answer the question, no, enemies don't dynamically scale. They have set stats that are the same regardless of when you fight them. I did toy around with some "respawning" or "upgrading" enemies in the Deep Wilds, where an enemy would respawn with tougher enemies (or "upgrade" if you never fought that mob the first time), but it caused a bunch of issues so the idea got scrapped and only one mob actually does that. I might revisit it after I've finished the story and am working on the post-game now that I know more about how to use the engine, though.
If you do make it so players are able to grind lvl’s is it possible to trade in the level’s for special items like the gifts for the girls. Not sure if this ideal is workable but if it is then it would add a lot of in game play time. When I was grinding per battle was little over 200 experience and it took around 4hr’s for 10levels that was just going in and out of the inn doorway it would take even longer if I had to travel to battle then come back to town to heal. Please note after you take the cat maid back to the town and clear it you are not able to grind that town anymore. Well back to playing your game. How I play is freestyle roaming around after each quest and map update. And I save before and after entering any new area.
I've certainly heard worse suggestions. I'm not looking to add grind, though. The game is already significantly bigger than I thought it'd end up being when I first started making it, and it's probably going to be over 40 hours just for the main story by the time it's done. I've even had people tell me they've already put in over 100 hours just hunting for secrets. That feels like plenty of game for a single project.
Thanks again for calling all this out! It's the primary way bugs get fixed, because even with as much time as I spend playing the game myself (both in and out of playtesting), I'm just one dude and can't catch everything. This sort of thing is really helpful.
I like your game very much. But now I’m stuck on the quest Journey to the West crossing the mountain. After you are told you should not make the jump across the gap. I can not find the way been looking for a couple of hours. I need a better hint on what to look for to get past this section of the game. I have came very near to rage quitting lol please give a better hint
I'm glad you like the game! Sorry for the trouble.
What you're supposed to do there is go up to the top of the pass, then try jumping across. I took a look at the dialogue that appears if you try to do the jump first, and sure enough, there's no dialogue indicating that's where you're supposed to go. I've updated the dialogue so that's clearer in future updates.
For your reference, you should get dialogue where Bianca says "Grim news" that ends in Master saying you have to jump the gap, and then it'll let you across.
had to go to a old save looks like I was locked out of being able to proceed on the save I leveled up to 32. The old save I went to the top of the mountain then went back tried to jump and got the full message then jumped over
Thanks and where can i find the optional maid also is there a way to lead the order instead of having to give it over to archibald and can you advance time to get more silcrow without completing a quest?
There are three optional Maids - one's in Adhauga, one's in the East Swamps region map, and one's in the Ambrose Estate kitchen.
Yes, it's possible to lead the Order, though it's difficult. The vote is based on all sorts of criteria from when you visited the Estates of the other members. Giving it to Archibald isn't mandatory, but it's the best way to not have him kill you if you didn't do well enough elsewhere.
And no, you can't advance time without advancing the story. Not without cheating, anyway. You can get more Silcrow by looking for Holds, though.
Sorry for the slow reply, holidays have been very busy.
Yes, that's Iris. You can recruit her by talking to her, giving her a gift (you'll only get the option if you have the correct item available, which is difficult to do when you first find her there), then find her again and navigate the next conversation.
And yes, it's possible to get an alliance without giving up anything, though it's very difficult. It involves doing things throughout the game, the most repeatable of which is completing events at Big Dick's.
Very random situation to be stuck in, I've run out of spare wood in both the estate and guest house but am nowhere near done fixing all the holes. Phoebe juzt says to try the guesthouse and the other two aren't offering any advice. I've collected all boxes, tables, chairs and piles so what am I missing?
The most likely answer is that there's a room somewhere that you haven't gotten everything from, or there's a type of item (like broken barrels) that you're missing.
I've done that quest probably over a dozen times now, and I tend to miss either the closet next to the coat check, the larder beneath the kitchen, or the rooms in the west wing of the second floor.
In what way? To throw out some guesses/examples, you can't change the MC's name for story reasons, but there is a costume system that lets you change his appearance after you've earned certain trophies.
I'm very sorry, it may be a problem with my translation software. I'm referring to the system for changing costumes for characters. If such a system already exists, then I'm even more looking forward to future updates. Thank you for the hard work of the creators. By the way, will we change the images of various enemies into model styles similar to the main characters in the future? This may allow enemies that originally appeared 2D to blend more seamlessly into games with 3D characters as the main characters, making them appear more like entities in a world
No worries. We'll get there. There isn't a costume system for all the characters, just the main character. I did consider trying to make a system that would let you enforce an actual uniform while at the Estate, but it would only affect character sprites and would take too much time to create the assets and implement, so it never got made. Same goes for the 2D enemies and faces. There are some I could make 3D assets for, but others I don't have or couldn't make assets for even if I tried. It saves me a lot of time and effort to use the 2D assets I have.
It's okay, do your best. Good works are always perfected step by step. It's not too late to perfect these details when you have enough energy and time in the future
I have a small question, is there a special plot in which the girls discover they are pregnant with the player's child? For example, surprise or worry, or feeling strange due to lack of sexual knowledge, girls' reactions are always cute, aren't they?
Kinda. The potential mothers all react differently to being pregnant, but you can't get any of your Maids pregnant. There's a quest that should trigger the first time you get a potential mother pregnant where you got to Phoebe and she explains that for you.
Wow, a rare harem RPG with combat and pregnancy content, this type of game has more playability than those PPT like ADV games. It seems that developers still need some time to polish this work, but I believe players will look forward to working with you until the end! I hope you have smooth work and good health
Recruiting Butlers - I have only maids. but with the contract I have gained butler gear, that I cannot use on any of my maids, but so far I have not had an option to recruit a butler.
During the first freeze I was unable to tell what my maids wanted - or what was lacking. Some interactions I discovered by accident - if the game or the dialogue was dropping hints - I totally missed it.
Climbing the tower during the Haunt proved tough as I could enter past the rune and when I could I believe I did all that was possible within the tower but the Trophy did not unlock.
Is there a wiki or sub to ask questions? Only found F95zone thread that had a few hints, but is not too great to navigate.
Phoebe and Vicky can use Butler gear. For reference, if you don't feel like going through the equipment screen one by one to find out who can equip what, their Maid entries in Estate Info will tell you.
Not telling you exactly what to do at every single step is on purpose. Exploration is a part of the game, and can lead to things that aren't going to be mentioned in the Task List, like trophies.
For the trophy at Fekhacht, you have to come back later (specifically, after the scene with Willow back at your Estate).
I don't have nearly enough time to put together something like a wiki, but I'm happy to answer questions however you find me. Here, Twitter, BlueSky, Patreon, Subscribestar, wherever. I also have a private discord that Patrons and Subscribers get access to, which is the fastest way to get ahold of me.
Thank you for the quick answer. That was my bad - I mainly used the "recommend" gear selection and thus came to the wrong conclusion.
I did solve the tower and then understood the in-game hint. The freeze was painful - I did talk with every maid to every maid - to every town npc - at least twice on two dates - tried to walk every area in case something triggers,... In then end I got it, but I have no idea which steps were actually needed.
Now I am stuck on 19 - blue sparks - which semms to be a non-return trohpy - did check that. I am now about 1+hr in that dimension. I do get the occasional different "spark" dialogue "never", but I have no idea what it means. Idk If I am progressing or resetting, chest keeps moving, sparks stay the same blue. If there is a special order - can´t talk to a maid for a hint, they are not there.
That particular trophy is meant to be obtuse. You can come back to the area to get it at any time, though leaving the map does reset progress towards it. The extra dialogue is there as an indicator that you're making progress.
Thank you. After I freed the trapped NPC - the teleport I had used to enter the maze has a different destination. So I concluded that the maze cannot be entered again.
If I can complete it any time, then I am less worried and will visit the maze at a later time.
Thank you again for the fast help and confirming that this was progress message.
There seems to be a bug with the tower after clearing the first headstone in the deep wilds the door for the tower doesn't appear after the maid lead me to the hidden place to mess with the headstone i went to the tower but the door didn't appear
There's an illusion on it, similar to the trees concealing the underground path. You have to walk through the door on the inside in order to get it to appear on the outside.
(though tbh I'm just now realizing that's never pointed out in-game - added an event for that for v0.16)
There actually isn't a trophy for Lothario's section, though. You can get some extra gear from him if you gain enough reputation during negotiations, and there's an attic and a hidden room with some goodies to find (plus the hidden Elixir that's in every Estate), but that's about it.
Just so you know, RPG Maker dropped support for MacOS versions newer than 10.15, which was released in 2019, and EOLed by Apple in 2022. So, while Macs are still sort of supported, most of them will either be upgraded too far or just be too new to play anything made in RPG Maker.
Yeah, I'm aware. I've been trying to work with people to find a handful of solutions that should work for the majority of people that don't require a bunch of hoop-jumping, but I haven't had much in the way of confirmations one way or the other.
Once I've gotten a decent number of confirmations that a certain method works, I'll start including it in the README and online in places like my dev blog so Mac users can hopefully get something working for themselves. Trouble with that being not a lot of Mac users download games like mine in the first place, so it's slow going, even working with other devs.
I'd be interested in your solution as there are several RPGM games I'd like to try if it were possible to run them. I didn't even know there were any potential workarounds, short of emulating Windows or running an old Mac. And I think most Mac players know that RPGMaker doesn't actually support them anymore, so we just kinda sigh and move on to another game.
The one solution that I've had confirmed working was only confirmed by one person, but I've suggested others try it and they didn't come back saying it didn't work, so that might be the best I've got.
Trying to be as concise as possible; (this isn't something I made, so use your best judgment) download this and extract it, then find "package.json" and rename it to the game name. Once that's done, go to, then copy these files from my game's files: audio, css, data,
fonts, icon,
package.json, README.txt.
Once those are copied over, the app should launch. This may require downloading the Windows version of the game instead of the Mac version; I can't test it for myself so I'm a little unclear on that. Definitely let me know if it works for you, though. The next best suggestion I have is to use something like Wine, but I've had a bunch of people say it doesn't work for them.
So I got it figured out and the game does work now. I'm afraid the instructions you were given are incorrect, though. Here's what I did. Download both the Mac version of the game and the zip file you linked on Google Drive. When you open both you'll have two apps, both named "". View Package contents on both apps in separate windows, then navigate to the /Contents/Resources/app.nw/ in both. The from Google Drive will have nothing in this folder, while the from the Mac game package will have all the game contents. Copy the entire contents of the Mac over to the Google Drive and close both windows. Then replace the file in the Mac game folder with the newly updated one from Google Drive. It should now launch properly. Note, that the file must be moved into the folder where the original Game. app file was or it will not launch. If you'd like, I can take screenshots of the process and send them to you.
Feel free to add screenshots to your post for posterity if you think it'd be helpful. It's hard to put an official guide together when all the solutions I have are only confirmed to work for one or two people, but it'll be good to have your steps around to see if they work for others.
Speaking of others - if you happen to be reading this comment chain trying to figure out how to get the Mac version working and this method works for you, drop mephits an upvote. It's the easiest way to let me know the method worked for you as well.
So, I'm at Read's Hold and there are these 3 'dance steps' puzzle areas and, center aside...
I have no freaking clue how/where to step on the 5th and 6th steps to not get shocked. I've tried to follow the diagram but the directions just kinda confuse me and I keep getting shocked. I just can't seem to figure out where to approach them from....
The short answer is to talk to Bianca in the dungeon. She'll tell you what to do.
The long answer depends on which step you're on. If Bianca isn't there yet, you have to continue the story until she asks you to meet you there. Assuming you're stuck on the first step, make sure the challenge is active when you talk to her.
It's kinda story locked, but there are still things you can do with it.
If you find the headstone, it's similar to the two ruined Estates in the swamps in that you have the option to repair or destroy the headstone. The consequences for what you do (if anything) become relevant during the second Haunt, and some other things become available after completing the second Haunt. The state of it will also be relevant in Act 3.
There are times there is some freezing. Like that time where Master is celebrating with Bianca then Griselda enter and sometimes stuck on wall. I somewhat solved it by letting the animation of Griselda to finish before continuing.
Those are really hard to find and solve. I try to include a "text skip run" when I do playtesting to make sure that sort of thing doesn't happen, but some of it still slips through anyway. Waiting for movement to finish is always a good fallback if you encounter it, but I appreciate you letting me know so I can go in and add in some fail-safes.
Is there a certain time when you have to start on the love shack? I found the house pretty early on, but never really revisited. Now im in the second freeze, i can talk about it with Auda, but it always says i have to finish things first. But when i go to the house and interact with the bushes, it always says i need to come alone, not when im with someone. But i cant invite people to go there...
It sounds like you've encountered a remnant of spaghetti code. You're not locked out of it by progressing through the story.
There's a switch that tells the game whether you've found the place and know what it is that needs to be flipped. Once it's flipped, you'll get a bit of dialogue every time you enter the map that'll tell you that you can work on it and roughly what to do. If you're not getting that dialogue and you've already been there, you might've just found the place before you had Phoebe around to tell you what it is. If that's the case, go inside the shack, check the chest (even if it's empty), then leave the grove and come back. That'll flip that switch and let you go about fixing the place up. If you're getting dialogue that says to come back alone when you can't invite someone yet, that means I need to update the dialogue.
Wow, I did not expect an answer this fast. I found the shack on the very first time i left the estate, so well before Phoebe. Going back and interacting with the empty chest did indeed trigger dialog, though, so i can fix it now.
I do, but it's a Patreon benefit. I typically don't invite people outside of my Patrons to join it.
I don't mind being bothered, though. I typically only check most things once or twice per day, but I like talking about my work, even if it's just finding and fixing bugs.
The problem is that my government considers Patreon too dangerous for me and blocked it, so everything is simple, I lost my laptop with the game and it's not scary, the game is worth buying it again, but I can't return dozens of hours in the game, that's why I wanted to ask the guys from the discord save files of the latest version. If you can send it to me, I will be grateful)
Unfortunately, I don't really have good saves to share at the moment. I've been meaning to do a more thorough playthrough of the entire game and have a series of saves set at different points in the story, but haven't found the time. The only saves I have are test saves that have things missing or broken.
alright i need help, ive replayed the game until the second freeze like 20 times now and i still cant get deirlinns birth to trigger. Every run ive gotten her preggo asap after the funeral and it still wont trigger, my brain wont let me keep on playing until i finish kalas extra obj and its a pain. i really dont know why i cant get it all to work out
Well, let's try to figure it out. For anyone who doesn't want to see spoilers or how the sausage is made (so to speak), look away.
To get it out of the way, sharing your save will give me a lot of insight into what's happening, if you don't mind doing so (just keep in mind I need both the numbered save and the global.rmmzsave, or I won't be able to load the save). If you don't want to share it publicly, feel free to find me on Twitter (or X or whatever it is now) and DM it to me there. Also, I apologize if I repeat anything I've told you before, I just want to be thorough. For the mechanical bits, it is possible to get her pregnant before the game phase changes, but you might have to try a few times to get it to happen. Deirlinn has roughly a 28% chance of becoming pregnant every time you try. If you were successful, she'll have an extra line of dialogue every time you repeat the scene while the screen is black. When she gets pregnant, the game checks the current game phase and adds 18 to it. If you have Trophy 0 from Arrival and make Punchinella active, there's an instance of her between Phoebe's house and the elder's house. She'll tell you what the current game phase is, as well as confirm whether Deirlinn is pregnant and what game phase she'll give birth in. Once the relevant game phase comes up or has passed, the birth event will trigger as soon as you enter the final version of your Estate's yard. That means if you see weeds and your garden and pool look like crap, it will never trigger. Same with if the Freeze is active. If your pool and garden are fixed up and there's no snow on the ground, the event can trigger. So if you did get Deirlinn pregnant in game phase 0, the earliest the event can trigger is game phase 18. If you left Cumhaill after the funeral and returned, the game phase may have been 1 or 2, meaning she'd give birth on (or after) game phase 19 or 20 respectively. For this particular example, she can't give birth on game phase 19, because the Freeze doesn't end until game phase 20. There are a few things that could be happening that's causing you to miss the event before the second Freeze. If memory serves, it's possible to go from game phase 18 into the Freeze without going outside, and if you do that, Deirlinn's stuck waiting for the Freeze to end. The second Freeze ends on game phase 20, so if you did end up not getting her pregnant until game phase 1 or 2, that would explain why it isn't triggering. If you want to confirm that, you could try continuing on and seeing if the birth event triggers after you've completed the Freeze. As an extra bit of information, if you're worried about Kala's bonus Freeze objective (since that requires Deirlinn being in your nursery), you don't need to worry about that locking you out of getting the second Freeze trophy. The trophy doesn't require Quinn or Teely, so if you've completed one (or both) of their extra objectives along with everyone else's, you'll still get the trophy.
Thanks for all the info. So i do have trophy 0 but just never used the clown for anything before, but now that you pointed it out i did a couple test runs with the clown and found out that finishing the funeral quest line puts you in game phase 1 and from my understanding u cant get deirlinn preggo without doing that quest line so it makes it kinda hard getting her preggo game phase 0. Also im not doing this for the second freeze thropy as i know u can get it even without kalas extra obj, im doing it cuz i wanna make sure i do all the content in the game no matter how short or long it is thats why its a pain that i cant trigger it
Huh. I swear I had it set up so she could give birth before the second Freeze without jumping through the extra hoops. That'll have to go into my notes so I can look further into it. If nothing else, it sounds like I should probably put in an alternate way of completing Kala's bonus objective. If it's that finicky, chances are basically no one is able to do it, and that's not how I want that to work. I definitely get it being frustrating if you know content exists and can't get to it despite knowing the steps to find it.
Hopefully its and easy fix for you when it comes to kalas extra obj, but just to make sure could you check with ppl in ur discord if anyone has managed to make it all work out ? dont wanna give u extra work if its somehow from my side and me failing something. also on the save im playing on right now deirlinn is gonna give birth game phase 19 and i know its gonna be 20 instead cuz 19 is freeze, but i found out that making the ventire chick preggo as soon as ur able to changed deirlinns birth phase from 19 to 24 so thats another bug i think
I'm stuck at the mind maze. I figured out that i need to please the red and blue torch but i don't know how. I interacted with all blue flames that i can reach until each said to never leave but the closest i got to advancing was "i'm not pleased" "it was close". Interacting with the chests only makes them change places. There are two regions that aren't accessable but have blue flames. Can someone give me a tip?
The "I was close" thing is actually evidence you're making progress towards the trophy there. While the trophy isn't required, getting it does let you skip doing the normal puzzle. That's definitely the hard way, though.
For the regular way, remember the hidden choice cancel mechanic. There's more info on it in the Hints & Tips section of the README.
There's a hidden tunnel elsewhere in the Deep Wilds that you need to find. It's in the western half of the middle bit. Iris will start giving you hints if you go the wrong way when you're close to it.
Just like the other one, a Maid's Dress is an equipment item. You have at least one either in your inventory or equipped to a party member. You can get more in several ways, including (but not limited to) finding them in chests and as a regular shipment by purchasing the appropriate Contract from Emily.
Just like the other one, a Maid's Dress is an equipment item. You have at least one either in your inventory or equipped to a party member. You can get more in several ways, including (but not limited to) finding them in chests and as a regular shipment by purchasing the appropriate Contract from Emily.
Assuming you mean the ring, it's in Fekhacht. You don't have access to it right away, and it's entirely optional in terms of completing the quest. If you still want to complete the objective, you still can after completing the move.
There might be two different Holds you're referring to, and both are locked behind progression. One opens up after Viridius (though you can open it early if you do a certain thing) and the other has a Writ that's given to you as part of the interlude between Act 1 and Act 2.
Found this bug, there was a spider on the rock infront of me and i attacked it. Master jumped back from attacking the spider and now im stuck in the walls
When does Deirlinn and Vendra give birth ? Deirlinn have been pregnant from the first time i was in her town and now im at the second freeze, and from what i understand kalas extra objective have something to do with Deirlinn and her birt
18 game phases (or supply cycles, to use the in-game term) after they get pregnant. The earliest it's possible for Deirlinn to give birth is immediately before the second Freeze. There's also a few points where the game phase can jump forward earlier than you think it would at the start of the game, so it's possible it was 1 or 2, meaning she wouldn't give birth until after the second Freeze since the event that triggers the birth event only happens from the final non-Freeze version of your Estate yard.
Sorry for the double reply, but if i wait until masters first time is with melissa and then make deirlinn preg is that too late for her to give birth right before second freeze ?
It's still possible to get Trophy 21 if you have both optional Maids and complete their extra objectives. If you've also completed everyone else's and got the trophy for the first Freeze, that leaves you when an extra 'point' towards the trophy to replace the lost 'point' from Kala.
And yes. If memory serves, the game phase is 2 at that point, so Deirlinn wouldn't give birth until game phase 20, which I believe is the game phase the second Freeze ends on.
Most likely. The trophy is for completing a certain amount of optional extra events. The extra events can't be completed until after their original event is completed. If you've done a Maid's extra event, it'll have an "Extra Event Completed" gold star when you check their Character Task in the Completed page of the Task List. You don't need to do all of these events, since two Maids are optional and you may not have them, but they do still have their own events which count towards the trophy and at least one event for another Maid involves one of them, so you do need to get at least one or the other.
Thanks for that. I did manage to get it. It took awhile. The only other one I can't seem to get is the Griselda 16 one. Pretty sure I did the diplomacy correctly (more than once) but I never got any trophy for it. I just worry if I'm missing out on a benefit, like a manor upgrade, an interaction like with the demon one or party benefit like the holy headpat one.
Yeah, that one is definitely pretty tricky. It's possible to lock yourself out of it all the way up to and through the final negotiations. I may put in an alternate way to earn it in Act 2, but it's difficult to find a good place for it that makes sense.
It's nothing too big, though. It'll affect some dialogue during Act 2, and it might change how a future event happens (I don't have that fully planned out yet), but that's pretty much it.
Well skipped. Although I would have thought making a truce rather than being a thrall would have influenced it. Must have been something else.
Trying the mind maze and that is confusing. I did the everything you mentioned to an earlier questioner but that doesn't seem to activate the chest/trophy or even unlock the route. My inner completionist both loves and hates this.
And was there equipment I missed to chop down the shack tress and remove the fireplace? Or does that appear after the Lalita content so I shouldn't worry yet?
I try my best. I like talking about my work and I like feedback, so it feels like it's a good idea to interact when I can.
I don't blame you. Both are deliberately difficult. Griselda is supposed to be the best negotiator on the continent, and I wanted to try to give this feeling of barely scraping by when you get to the end of the segment. The mind maze is also supposed to be novel, and built to play you against yourself. Bad news about that is that it's hard to convey those things without making it hard on you as a player. Good news is that nothing else in the game is likely to be that difficult until very near the end.
Though if you're still stuck on the mind maze, the key is that 'choice cancel' mechanic. That won't help you get the trophy, though. The only hint I'll ever give for the trophy is that you need to keep going until you start getting extra dialogue. That'll let you know you're on the right path.
For the hidden shack - sorta but not really. You can't fully complete repairs there until after Lalita's segment, but the thing you need to chop down the trees is the Cumhaill Accord. You should be prompted to do that after you've gotten everything else done (which does require some equipment and Scrap Stone, but that's not for the trees) and the rest will happen automatically.
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Is there a gallery in this game?
Not in the traditional sense, though nearly every scene can be replayed at any time by talking to the relevant character again.
The contract info in the menu says Ether contract bring 1$/ cycle, but talking with Emily in Sell contract option she says it bring 4$/ cycle. A few other contracts similarly mismatched info.
Ah, geez. That thing needs some consistency and formatting updates, too.
Thanks for calling that out!
In version 0.18, whenever I click on "I'm an adult" it pops up the README.txt but doesn't allow the game to actually start. Clicking on it again brings up a separate notepad window with the readme in it. Clicking on "I'm not an adult" just force quits the game. Is there a fix or workaround for this?
It's working as intended. You're supposed to do something specific with that choice (which is used as a mechanic throughout the entire game). The game tells you that you can find what to do in the README. If you're an adult, the game opens the README so you can read what you're supposed to do.
Well that's... unique.
How do I get trophy 19, I am in the mind maze and been throwing myself at it for a couple of hours. like I already past it once but I want to get the trophy.
That one's obtuse on purpose. I've deliberately said very little about it, though I will clarify that leaving the maze resets your progress.
The only hint I've ever really given is that if you start getting extra dialogue, you're on the right path.
Thanks for the info I’ll try it when I get home. I do love this type of game play since I also found a place to grind lvl’s for the girl’s in the town where your maid kills someone you just need to go in and out of any building to start a fight not sure if that was supposed to be like that because I have not had any mobs respawn in anywhere else. Was lvl20 now lvl32 not sure how your game mech’s will work will the mobs level up too or if I con’t lvl up will everything be 1 shot kills. Just something to think about if you haven’t already. Hope you have a wonderful day.
You're welcome!
And... sorta? The enemy shouldn't respawn indefinitely, but there are a bunch of fights available in the Stebbing Estate that you can do if you want to grind, but there's a finite number of them. I'll have to look into that.
To answer the question, no, enemies don't dynamically scale. They have set stats that are the same regardless of when you fight them. I did toy around with some "respawning" or "upgrading" enemies in the Deep Wilds, where an enemy would respawn with tougher enemies (or "upgrade" if you never fought that mob the first time), but it caused a bunch of issues so the idea got scrapped and only one mob actually does that. I might revisit it after I've finished the story and am working on the post-game now that I know more about how to use the engine, though.
If you do make it so players are able to grind lvl’s is it possible to trade in the level’s for special items like the gifts for the girls. Not sure if this ideal is workable but if it is then it would add a lot of in game play time. When I was grinding per battle was little over 200 experience and it took around 4hr’s for 10levels that was just going in and out of the inn doorway it would take even longer if I had to travel to battle then come back to town to heal. Please note after you take the cat maid back to the town and clear it you are not able to grind that town anymore. Well back to playing your game. How I play is freestyle roaming around after each quest and map update. And I save before and after entering any new area.
I've certainly heard worse suggestions. I'm not looking to add grind, though. The game is already significantly bigger than I thought it'd end up being when I first started making it, and it's probably going to be over 40 hours just for the main story by the time it's done. I've even had people tell me they've already put in over 100 hours just hunting for secrets. That feels like plenty of game for a single project.
Thanks again for calling all this out! It's the primary way bugs get fixed, because even with as much time as I spend playing the game myself (both in and out of playtesting), I'm just one dude and can't catch everything. This sort of thing is really helpful.
I like your game very much. But now I’m stuck on the quest Journey to the West crossing the mountain. After you are told you should not make the jump across the gap. I can not find the way been looking for a couple of hours. I need a better hint on what to look for to get past this section of the game. I have came very near to rage quitting lol please give a better hint
I'm glad you like the game! Sorry for the trouble.
What you're supposed to do there is go up to the top of the pass, then try jumping across. I took a look at the dialogue that appears if you try to do the jump first, and sure enough, there's no dialogue indicating that's where you're supposed to go. I've updated the dialogue so that's clearer in future updates.
For your reference, you should get dialogue where Bianca says "Grim news" that ends in Master saying you have to jump the gap, and then it'll let you across.
had to go to a old save looks like I was locked out of being able to proceed on the save I leveled up to 32. The old save I went to the top of the mountain then went back tried to jump and got the full message then jumped over
That's not good. I'd go so far as to say it's bad, even. I'm glad you got it figured out, though!
I found the issue and fixed it for the next release, at least. Thanks for calling that out!
is there impregnation?
Yes, though not for party members.
There are a set of four "mother" characters, three of which are optional and one of which becomes pregnant as part of the main story.
Where can i get more headstone if i used the material to repair others headstones
Ambrose Guardians have a chance to drop one, and once you have access to Ambrose City, there's a shop that sells more and will buy any extra.
Thanks and where can i find the optional maid also is there a way to lead the order instead of having to give it over to archibald and can you advance time to get more silcrow without completing a quest?
There are three optional Maids - one's in Adhauga, one's in the East Swamps region map, and one's in the Ambrose Estate kitchen.
Yes, it's possible to lead the Order, though it's difficult. The vote is based on all sorts of criteria from when you visited the Estates of the other members. Giving it to Archibald isn't mandatory, but it's the best way to not have him kill you if you didn't do well enough elsewhere.
And no, you can't advance time without advancing the story. Not without cheating, anyway. You can get more Silcrow by looking for Holds, though.
Terrible with names is iris the maid who helped aginst lalita if so how to get her by the by can you be allies with him and lead the cult?
Sorry for the slow reply, holidays have been very busy.
Yes, that's Iris. You can recruit her by talking to her, giving her a gift (you'll only get the option if you have the correct item available, which is difficult to do when you first find her there), then find her again and navigate the next conversation.
And yes, it's possible to get an alliance without giving up anything, though it's very difficult. It involves doing things throughout the game, the most repeatable of which is completing events at Big Dick's.
where can i find viridius headstone
dose anyone have complete guide
Very random situation to be stuck in, I've run out of spare wood in both the estate and guest house but am nowhere near done fixing all the holes. Phoebe juzt says to try the guesthouse and the other two aren't offering any advice. I've collected all boxes, tables, chairs and piles so what am I missing?
The most likely answer is that there's a room somewhere that you haven't gotten everything from, or there's a type of item (like broken barrels) that you're missing.
I've done that quest probably over a dozen times now, and I tend to miss either the closet next to the coat check, the larder beneath the kitchen, or the rooms in the west wing of the second floor.
thank you, I somehow kept thinking the closet room was the library entrance when walking by.
It's to the east immediately outside the Estate.
There's yellow flowers indicating where the path is.
Is there a character changing system in this work? If we had this, it would be even more perfect
In what way? To throw out some guesses/examples, you can't change the MC's name for story reasons, but there is a costume system that lets you change his appearance after you've earned certain trophies.
I'm very sorry, it may be a problem with my translation software. I'm referring to the system for changing costumes for characters. If such a system already exists, then I'm even more looking forward to future updates. Thank you for the hard work of the creators. By the way, will we change the images of various enemies into model styles similar to the main characters in the future? This may allow enemies that originally appeared 2D to blend more seamlessly into games with 3D characters as the main characters, making them appear more like entities in a world
No worries. We'll get there.
There isn't a costume system for all the characters, just the main character. I did consider trying to make a system that would let you enforce an actual uniform while at the Estate, but it would only affect character sprites and would take too much time to create the assets and implement, so it never got made.
Same goes for the 2D enemies and faces. There are some I could make 3D assets for, but others I don't have or couldn't make assets for even if I tried. It saves me a lot of time and effort to use the 2D assets I have.
It's okay, do your best. Good works are always perfected step by step. It's not too late to perfect these details when you have enough energy and time in the future
I have a small question, is there a special plot in which the girls discover they are pregnant with the player's child? For example, surprise or worry, or feeling strange due to lack of sexual knowledge, girls' reactions are always cute, aren't they?
Kinda. The potential mothers all react differently to being pregnant, but you can't get any of your Maids pregnant.
There's a quest that should trigger the first time you get a potential mother pregnant where you got to Phoebe and she explains that for you.
Wow, a rare harem RPG with combat and pregnancy content, this type of game has more playability than those PPT like ADV games. It seems that developers still need some time to polish this work, but I believe players will look forward to working with you until the end! I hope you have smooth work and good health
what is up with the shed behind the guest house??
It's where you keep all the story spoilers.
Recruiting Butlers - I have only maids. but with the contract I have gained butler gear, that I cannot use on any of my maids, but so far I have not had an option to recruit a butler.
During the first freeze I was unable to tell what my maids wanted - or what was lacking. Some interactions I discovered by accident - if the game or the dialogue was dropping hints - I totally missed it.
Climbing the tower during the Haunt proved tough as I could enter past the rune and when I could I believe I did all that was possible within the tower but the Trophy did not unlock.
Is there a wiki or sub to ask questions? Only found F95zone thread that had a few hints, but is not too great to navigate.
Phoebe and Vicky can use Butler gear. For reference, if you don't feel like going through the equipment screen one by one to find out who can equip what, their Maid entries in Estate Info will tell you.
Not telling you exactly what to do at every single step is on purpose. Exploration is a part of the game, and can lead to things that aren't going to be mentioned in the Task List, like trophies.
For the trophy at Fekhacht, you have to come back later (specifically, after the scene with Willow back at your Estate).
I don't have nearly enough time to put together something like a wiki, but I'm happy to answer questions however you find me. Here, Twitter, BlueSky, Patreon, Subscribestar, wherever. I also have a private discord that Patrons and Subscribers get access to, which is the fastest way to get ahold of me.
Thank you for the quick answer. That was my bad - I mainly used the "recommend" gear selection and thus came to the wrong conclusion.
I did solve the tower and then understood the in-game hint. The freeze was painful - I did talk with every maid to every maid - to every town npc - at least twice on two dates - tried to walk every area in case something triggers,... In then end I got it, but I have no idea which steps were actually needed.
Now I am stuck on 19 - blue sparks - which semms to be a non-return trohpy - did check that. I am now about 1+hr in that dimension. I do get the occasional different "spark" dialogue "never", but I have no idea what it means. Idk If I am progressing or resetting, chest keeps moving, sparks stay the same blue. If there is a special order - can´t talk to a maid for a hint, they are not there.
That particular trophy is meant to be obtuse. You can come back to the area to get it at any time, though leaving the map does reset progress towards it. The extra dialogue is there as an indicator that you're making progress.
Thank you. After I freed the trapped NPC - the teleport I had used to enter the maze has a different destination. So I concluded that the maze cannot be entered again.
If I can complete it any time, then I am less worried and will visit the maze at a later time.
Thank you again for the fast help and confirming that this was progress message.
Once again:
This is your game, so take as much time as you need to make everything worthwhile! We'll wait for as long as needed
There seems to be a bug with the tower after clearing the first headstone in the deep wilds the door for the tower doesn't appear after the maid lead me to the hidden place to mess with the headstone i went to the tower but the door didn't appear
The door for the tower itself?
There's an illusion on it, similar to the trees concealing the underground path. You have to walk through the door on the inside in order to get it to appear on the outside.
(though tbh I'm just now realizing that's never pointed out in-game - added an event for that for v0.16)
ok so i restarted and instead of choosing go straight to tower i walked to it but the door did not show am i missing something?
I think you misunderstood me. Sorry if the way I worded it wasn't super clear.
The door doesn't hide itself if you miss something. It only shows up after you walk through it.
Since you can't walk through it from the outside, you need to walk through it from inside the tower.
After you've walked through it from inside, then it'll show up outside.
How do i open lotharios upper attic door where all the statues are?
You don't. It's there for future content that hasn't been implemented yet.
That hurts so much it's not even funny how could you do this to me:( so what are his storage closets that i get to raid for the trophy?
For what it's worth, it will open eventually.
There actually isn't a trophy for Lothario's section, though. You can get some extra gear from him if you gain enough reputation during negotiations, and there's an attic and a hidden room with some goodies to find (plus the hidden Elixir that's in every Estate), but that's about it.
Aw yes now i gotta find the hidden room i'm all over it
Just so you know, RPG Maker dropped support for MacOS versions newer than 10.15, which was released in 2019, and EOLed by Apple in 2022. So, while Macs are still sort of supported, most of them will either be upgraded too far or just be too new to play anything made in RPG Maker.
Yeah, I'm aware. I've been trying to work with people to find a handful of solutions that should work for the majority of people that don't require a bunch of hoop-jumping, but I haven't had much in the way of confirmations one way or the other.
Once I've gotten a decent number of confirmations that a certain method works, I'll start including it in the README and online in places like my dev blog so Mac users can hopefully get something working for themselves.
Trouble with that being not a lot of Mac users download games like mine in the first place, so it's slow going, even working with other devs.
I'd be interested in your solution as there are several RPGM games I'd like to try if it were possible to run them. I didn't even know there were any potential workarounds, short of emulating Windows or running an old Mac. And I think most Mac players know that RPGMaker doesn't actually support them anymore, so we just kinda sigh and move on to another game.
The one solution that I've had confirmed working was only confirmed by one person, but I've suggested others try it and they didn't come back saying it didn't work, so that might be the best I've got.
Trying to be as concise as possible; (this isn't something I made, so use your best judgment) download this and extract it, then find "package.json" and rename it to the game name.
Once that's done, go to, then copy these files from my game's files: audio, css, data, fonts, icon, img, js, locales, movies, switshader, credits.html, FOSSILindex.html, index.html, package.json, README.txt.
Once those are copied over, the app should launch. This may require downloading the Windows version of the game instead of the Mac version; I can't test it for myself so I'm a little unclear on that. Definitely let me know if it works for you, though. The next best suggestion I have is to use something like Wine, but I've had a bunch of people say it doesn't work for them.
So I got it figured out and the game does work now. I'm afraid the instructions you were given are incorrect, though. Here's what I did. Download both the Mac version of the game and the zip file you linked on Google Drive. When you open both you'll have two apps, both named "". View Package contents on both apps in separate windows, then navigate to the /Contents/Resources/app.nw/ in both. The from Google Drive will have nothing in this folder, while the from the Mac game package will have all the game contents. Copy the entire contents of the Mac over to the Google Drive and close both windows. Then replace the file in the Mac game folder with the newly updated one from Google Drive. It should now launch properly. Note, that the file must be moved into the folder where the original Game. app file was or it will not launch. If you'd like, I can take screenshots of the process and send them to you.
I'm glad you got it to work for you!
Feel free to add screenshots to your post for posterity if you think it'd be helpful. It's hard to put an official guide together when all the solutions I have are only confirmed to work for one or two people, but it'll be good to have your steps around to see if they work for others.
Speaking of others - if you happen to be reading this comment chain trying to figure out how to get the Mac version working and this method works for you, drop mephits an upvote. It's the easiest way to let me know the method worked for you as well.
Okay, this is starting to tick me off.
So, I'm at Read's Hold and there are these 3 'dance steps' puzzle areas and, center aside...
I have no freaking clue how/where to step on the 5th and 6th steps to not get shocked. I've tried to follow the diagram but the directions just kinda confuse me and I keep getting shocked. I just can't seem to figure out where to approach them from....
All three of those puzzles work the same way. Some panels you just need to step on twice.
There's nothing extra like needing to step on them in a specific direction or anything.
Thx! Yeah. FINALLY got it! The wording really threw me off...
Way more than it rightly should've. But I'll chalk that up to me me being an idiot.
For the optional task 'Pride and Prejudice'
....Just how exactly am I supposed to tackle it? Beverly beats me every time and I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to win.
The short answer is to talk to Bianca in the dungeon. She'll tell you what to do.
The long answer depends on which step you're on. If Bianca isn't there yet, you have to continue the story until she asks you to meet you there. Assuming you're stuck on the first step, make sure the challenge is active when you talk to her.
Ah! Yeah. I completely forgot about that option!
As much as I like this game and its characters/world.
I think I REALLY dislike Melissa.
She's the kind of heroine who I honestly can't stand the most. Never mind I can barely stand ppl like that irl.
I just hope she mellows the hell out.
I'm really trying here, but she just irritates the hell out of me and it's really, REALLY hard to like her for too long.
Just curious about the Northern Forest. Can I do anything with the Ruined Estate? Or is it sotry locked?
It's kinda story locked, but there are still things you can do with it.
If you find the headstone, it's similar to the two ruined Estates in the swamps in that you have the option to repair or destroy the headstone. The consequences for what you do (if anything) become relevant during the second Haunt, and some other things become available after completing the second Haunt. The state of it will also be relevant in Act 3.
Okay, cool. Yeah. I just found the Headstone and... uh, repaired it?
Yeah. I have kind of a hard time just finding a good reason to destroy them, especially if it meant people's lives are on the line.
Thanks for the quick reply!
Not really a big fan of Melissa or the fact I can't rename the MC, but I do like the game and am enjoying it.
There are times there is some freezing. Like that time where Master is celebrating with Bianca then Griselda enter and sometimes stuck on wall. I somewhat solved it by letting the animation of Griselda to finish before continuing.
Those are really hard to find and solve. I try to include a "text skip run" when I do playtesting to make sure that sort of thing doesn't happen, but some of it still slips through anyway. Waiting for movement to finish is always a good fallback if you encounter it, but I appreciate you letting me know so I can go in and add in some fail-safes.
Is there a certain time when you have to start on the love shack?
I found the house pretty early on, but never really revisited. Now im in the second freeze, i can talk about it with Auda, but it always says i have to finish things first. But when i go to the house and interact with the bushes, it always says i need to come alone, not when im with someone. But i cant invite people to go there...
It sounds like you've encountered a remnant of spaghetti code. You're not locked out of it by progressing through the story.
There's a switch that tells the game whether you've found the place and know what it is that needs to be flipped. Once it's flipped, you'll get a bit of dialogue every time you enter the map that'll tell you that you can work on it and roughly what to do. If you're not getting that dialogue and you've already been there, you might've just found the place before you had Phoebe around to tell you what it is. If that's the case, go inside the shack, check the chest (even if it's empty), then leave the grove and come back. That'll flip that switch and let you go about fixing the place up.
If you're getting dialogue that says to come back alone when you can't invite someone yet, that means I need to update the dialogue.
Wow, I did not expect an answer this fast. I found the shack on the very first time i left the estate, so well before Phoebe. Going back and interacting with the empty chest did indeed trigger dialog, though, so i can fix it now.
I do my best. Glad to hear that did it!
do you have a discord? dont want to bother you for every game moment)
I do, but it's a Patreon benefit. I typically don't invite people outside of my Patrons to join it.
I don't mind being bothered, though. I typically only check most things once or twice per day, but I like talking about my work, even if it's just finding and fixing bugs.
The problem is that my government considers Patreon too dangerous for me and blocked it, so everything is simple, I lost my laptop with the game and it's not scary, the game is worth buying it again, but I can't return dozens of hours in the game, that's why I wanted to ask the guys from the discord save files of the latest version. If you can send it to me, I will be grateful)
Ah. Yeah, that does kinda complicate things.
Unfortunately, I don't really have good saves to share at the moment. I've been meaning to do a more thorough playthrough of the entire game and have a series of saves set at different points in the story, but haven't found the time. The only saves I have are test saves that have things missing or broken.
Then can you give me a link to the discord?) I promise to leave him as soon as I ask the guys for a save file
alright i need help, ive replayed the game until the second freeze like 20 times now and i still cant get deirlinns birth to trigger. Every run ive gotten her preggo asap after the funeral and it still wont trigger, my brain wont let me keep on playing until i finish kalas extra obj and its a pain. i really dont know why i cant get it all to work out
Well, let's try to figure it out. For anyone who doesn't want to see spoilers or how the sausage is made (so to speak), look away.
To get it out of the way, sharing your save will give me a lot of insight into what's happening, if you don't mind doing so (just keep in mind I need both the numbered save and the global.rmmzsave, or I won't be able to load the save). If you don't want to share it publicly, feel free to find me on Twitter (or X or whatever it is now) and DM it to me there. Also, I apologize if I repeat anything I've told you before, I just want to be thorough.
For the mechanical bits, it is possible to get her pregnant before the game phase changes, but you might have to try a few times to get it to happen. Deirlinn has roughly a 28% chance of becoming pregnant every time you try. If you were successful, she'll have an extra line of dialogue every time you repeat the scene while the screen is black. When she gets pregnant, the game checks the current game phase and adds 18 to it. If you have Trophy 0 from Arrival and make Punchinella active, there's an instance of her between Phoebe's house and the elder's house. She'll tell you what the current game phase is, as well as confirm whether Deirlinn is pregnant and what game phase she'll give birth in.
Once the relevant game phase comes up or has passed, the birth event will trigger as soon as you enter the final version of your Estate's yard. That means if you see weeds and your garden and pool look like crap, it will never trigger. Same with if the Freeze is active. If your pool and garden are fixed up and there's no snow on the ground, the event can trigger. So if you did get Deirlinn pregnant in game phase 0, the earliest the event can trigger is game phase 18. If you left Cumhaill after the funeral and returned, the game phase may have been 1 or 2, meaning she'd give birth on (or after) game phase 19 or 20 respectively. For this particular example, she can't give birth on game phase 19, because the Freeze doesn't end until game phase 20.
There are a few things that could be happening that's causing you to miss the event before the second Freeze. If memory serves, it's possible to go from game phase 18 into the Freeze without going outside, and if you do that, Deirlinn's stuck waiting for the Freeze to end. The second Freeze ends on game phase 20, so if you did end up not getting her pregnant until game phase 1 or 2, that would explain why it isn't triggering. If you want to confirm that, you could try continuing on and seeing if the birth event triggers after you've completed the Freeze.
As an extra bit of information, if you're worried about Kala's bonus Freeze objective (since that requires Deirlinn being in your nursery), you don't need to worry about that locking you out of getting the second Freeze trophy. The trophy doesn't require Quinn or Teely, so if you've completed one (or both) of their extra objectives along with everyone else's, you'll still get the trophy.
I hope this helps.
Thanks for all the info. So i do have trophy 0 but just never used the clown for anything before, but now that you pointed it out i did a couple test runs with the clown and found out that finishing the funeral quest line puts you in game phase 1 and from my understanding u cant get deirlinn preggo without doing that quest line so it makes it kinda hard getting her preggo game phase 0. Also im not doing this for the second freeze thropy as i know u can get it even without kalas extra obj, im doing it cuz i wanna make sure i do all the content in the game no matter how short or long it is thats why its a pain that i cant trigger it
Huh. I swear I had it set up so she could give birth before the second Freeze without jumping through the extra hoops. That'll have to go into my notes so I can look further into it.
If nothing else, it sounds like I should probably put in an alternate way of completing Kala's bonus objective. If it's that finicky, chances are basically no one is able to do it, and that's not how I want that to work. I definitely get it being frustrating if you know content exists and can't get to it despite knowing the steps to find it.
Hopefully its and easy fix for you when it comes to kalas extra obj, but just to make sure could you check with ppl in ur discord if anyone has managed to make it all work out ? dont wanna give u extra work if its somehow from my side and me failing something. also on the save im playing on right now deirlinn is gonna give birth game phase 19 and i know its gonna be 20 instead cuz 19 is freeze, but i found out that making the ventire chick preggo as soon as ur able to changed deirlinns birth phase from 19 to 24 so thats another bug i think
For Deirlinn's phase moving after Vendra - Apparently the wrong variable got specified somewhere. Found and fixed. Good catch!
For Kala's extra objective - nah, it's not that big of a deal. It's just copying it elsewhere and changing a bit of dialogue to match the situation.
I'm stuck at the mind maze. I figured out that i need to please the red and blue torch but i don't know how. I interacted with all blue flames that i can reach until each said to never leave but the closest i got to advancing was "i'm not pleased" "it was close". Interacting with the chests only makes them change places. There are two regions that aren't accessable but have blue flames. Can someone give me a tip?
The "I was close" thing is actually evidence you're making progress towards the trophy there. While the trophy isn't required, getting it does let you skip doing the normal puzzle. That's definitely the hard way, though.
For the regular way, remember the hidden choice cancel mechanic. There's more info on it in the Hints & Tips section of the README.
here's the save,
I need help for something

What should I do now?
Someone could help?
There's a hidden tunnel elsewhere in the Deep Wilds that you need to find. It's in the western half of the middle bit.
Iris will start giving you hints if you go the wrong way when you're close to it.
And where exactly is this one?

because I can't find it
Just like the other one, a Maid's Dress is an equipment item. You have at least one either in your inventory or equipped to a party member. You can get more in several ways, including (but not limited to) finding them in chests and as a regular shipment by purchasing the appropriate Contract from Emily.
And where exactly is this one?
because I can't find it
Just like the other one, a Maid's Dress is an equipment item. You have at least one either in your inventory or equipped to a party member. You can get more in several ways, including (but not limited to) finding them in chests and as a regular shipment by purchasing the appropriate Contract from Emily.
And where exactly is this one?
because I can't find it
Assuming you mean the ring, it's in Fekhacht. You don't have access to it right away, and it's entirely optional in terms of completing the quest. If you still want to complete the objective, you still can after completing the move.
Is there a writ for the north hold in the north forest?
Every Hold that needs one has a Writ somewhere.
There might be two different Holds you're referring to, and both are locked behind progression. One opens up after Viridius (though you can open it early if you do a certain thing) and the other has a Writ that's given to you as part of the interlude between Act 1 and Act 2.
Got it but for the love of everything please how do you get the mind maze trophy
I'll give you the same hint I give everyone - if you start getting extra dialogue, you're on the right track.
hmm gotcha let the testing begin
Is there anything you can do to help the girl you freed from the lalitah estate?
Do you mean Iris? If so, you don't really free her so much as help her help you, but no, there's nothing more for her. Yet.
Found this bug, there was a spider on the rock infront of me and i attacked it. Master jumped back from attacking the spider and now im stuck in the walls
Thanks for the report! Good news: it's already been fixed in v0.12.
Bad news: You'll have to use the Homing Stone to get out of there.
Awesome! had my save right outside the cave so it was all good
When does Deirlinn and Vendra give birth ? Deirlinn have been pregnant from the first time i was in her town and now im at the second freeze, and from what i understand kalas extra objective have something to do with Deirlinn and her birt
18 game phases (or supply cycles, to use the in-game term) after they get pregnant. The earliest it's possible for Deirlinn to give birth is immediately before the second Freeze. There's also a few points where the game phase can jump forward earlier than you think it would at the start of the game, so it's possible it was 1 or 2, meaning she wouldn't give birth until after the second Freeze since the event that triggers the birth event only happens from the final non-Freeze version of your Estate yard.
Does that mean i wont be able to finish kalas extra obj thus not getting trophy 21 ?
Sorry for the double reply, but if i wait until masters first time is with melissa and then make deirlinn preg is that too late for her to give birth right before second freeze ?
No worries. To answer both:
It's still possible to get Trophy 21 if you have both optional Maids and complete their extra objectives. If you've also completed everyone else's and got the trophy for the first Freeze, that leaves you when an extra 'point' towards the trophy to replace the lost 'point' from Kala.
And yes. If memory serves, the game phase is 2 at that point, so Deirlinn wouldn't give birth until game phase 20, which I believe is the game phase the second Freeze ends on.
one last thing then im done, i found out there is a quest called sex makes babies or something like that how do i get that quest ?
I might need to put in more triggers for it. It's supposed to be added as soon as you realize one of the potential mothers is pregnant.
There's not much to it, though. It just establishes a bit of lore.
How do I get trophy 13? I've been doing all the events during the freeze. Am I missing something?
Most likely. The trophy is for completing a certain amount of optional extra events. The extra events can't be completed until after their original event is completed. If you've done a Maid's extra event, it'll have an "Extra Event Completed" gold star when you check their Character Task in the Completed page of the Task List. You don't need to do all of these events, since two Maids are optional and you may not have them, but they do still have their own events which count towards the trophy and at least one event for another Maid involves one of them, so you do need to get at least one or the other.
Thanks for that. I did manage to get it. It took awhile. The only other one I can't seem to get is the Griselda 16 one. Pretty sure I did the diplomacy correctly (more than once) but I never got any trophy for it. I just worry if I'm missing out on a benefit, like a manor upgrade, an interaction like with the demon one or party benefit like the holy headpat one.
Yeah, that one is definitely pretty tricky. It's possible to lock yourself out of it all the way up to and through the final negotiations. I may put in an alternate way to earn it in Act 2, but it's difficult to find a good place for it that makes sense.
It's nothing too big, though. It'll affect some dialogue during Act 2, and it might change how a future event happens (I don't have that fully planned out yet), but that's pretty much it.
Well skipped. Although I would have thought making a truce rather than being a thrall would have influenced it. Must have been something else.
Trying the mind maze and that is confusing. I did the everything you mentioned to an earlier questioner but that doesn't seem to activate the chest/trophy or even unlock the route. My inner completionist both loves and hates this.
And was there equipment I missed to chop down the shack tress and remove the fireplace? Or does that appear after the Lalita content so I shouldn't worry yet?
And thanks for being a good replier.
I try my best. I like talking about my work and I like feedback, so it feels like it's a good idea to interact when I can.
I don't blame you. Both are deliberately difficult. Griselda is supposed to be the best negotiator on the continent, and I wanted to try to give this feeling of barely scraping by when you get to the end of the segment. The mind maze is also supposed to be novel, and built to play you against yourself. Bad news about that is that it's hard to convey those things without making it hard on you as a player. Good news is that nothing else in the game is likely to be that difficult until very near the end.
Though if you're still stuck on the mind maze, the key is that 'choice cancel' mechanic. That won't help you get the trophy, though. The only hint I'll ever give for the trophy is that you need to keep going until you start getting extra dialogue. That'll let you know you're on the right path.
For the hidden shack - sorta but not really. You can't fully complete repairs there until after Lalita's segment, but the thing you need to chop down the trees is the Cumhaill Accord. You should be prompted to do that after you've gotten everything else done (which does require some equipment and Scrap Stone, but that's not for the trees) and the rest will happen automatically.
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