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Looking forward to when you get this going.


Once again:

This is your game, so take as much time as you need to make everything worthwhile! We'll wait for as long as needed 


This is charming.  I'll be following this for sure.

I have some stylistic issues with it, however, it's nothing serious.

Keep it up!

If you have feedback, I'm more than open to hearing it.

This is going to remain a demo for the next 8 months at a minimum while I finish my current main project, but there are definitely things I want to add and things I'm already considering changing and/or rebalancing.


Given the "Pre-Alpha" state of it, I assume there will be plenty of changes to the systems.  What you have now is intriguing enough that I am eager to see what you do next.  I imagine the RPG Maker engine has its own quirks.  So, none of that is really a concern to me at this point.

My hangup is pedantic and nerdy.  Basically, the armor geometry.  Boob plate creates... not really "shock traps".  In plate armor design, deflection is a big consideration.  Slapping somebody in the center of the chest with boob plate ends up more easily transferring a lot of energy to the target.  That's why you end up seeing a lot of later armor pieces ending in more of a point.

I realize I run the risk of insulting your intelligence here and that is not my desire.  Like I mentioned, it's pedantic and nerdy in the context of a sexy game.

Boobs seem massive on the succubus and the angel lady.  I imagine I'll lose that fight so it's not something I'm going to really hassle anybody on.  Boobs are quite nice.  The elf woman is gorgeous, though.  I mean, all of the models are well made and a feast for the eyes.  I just feel my back hurt in sympathy for the really big ones.

Big boobies and boob plate isn't going to turn me away by any means.

I've been known to be pedantic and nerdy at times. No harm, no foul.

Though the "boob plate debate" is something I've heard go both ways. There's plenty of armor styles that existed in history with distended plates near the belly rather than the chest (I think it's called goosebelly or peascod? I've done my research, but I wouldn't call myself an expert) as well as purely fashion-based elements, like an exaggeratedly-thin waist or things like metal codpieces in addition to aesthetic details. I fully understand the argument, but there is historical precedent for it.
But mostly I have very limited armor assets and it was really difficult finding parts that got anywhere close to the image in my head. There are some design elements I'm not the completely happy with either, but I don't have the funding to hire an artist.

As for chest size, those two are probably going to be the biggest in the game. I see too many adult games where the only thing different about the women is the face and hair, with everything below the neck being the exact same toned hourglass figure toting spine-busters. Or those characters are on the small side and they go even bigger (which is it's own kink, and to each their own, but it's not for me). I at least try to make an attempt at including different body types (which, yeah, given what I'm making, is going to include big boobs).

Thanks for the write up! I firmly believe feedback is a good thing, so I really do appreciate you taking the time (and knowing Arielle has at least one fan - I wasn't sure how people would feel about muscle elf).

Ah, a fellow nerd~

I'm not an armorer by any means.  And, I think, most people aren't.  It's amazing just how much effort was needed to get through such thin armor plates.  Not only that but if you have a huge bugger-all AoE attack like she does, you can probably get away with wearing anything you want!

Arielle is great.  I love her design.  I have a fondness for the slender athletic types and I'm one of those weird people who likes smaller breasts in general.  Plus, it makes sense for a soldier to be fit.  She looks like she would be better served with lighter armor, which I suspect might be something that happens in the game.  I also have  soft spot for the earnest, straight-forward and kind-of awkward types who are always too formal.

The succubus was really fun, too.  She was enjoying herself and playful but never came across as annoying.  In general, I did enjoy the writing and the decisions by the characters made a lot of sense.  It also made sense that she folded like a piece of paper if anybody got to her.  Satin slip makes for good mobility but poor protection.

I may be a silly person but I enjoy more serious narratives with people making the best of their situation.  It makes the quiet, funny or tender moments feel much more impactful...  You know, in my porn games x3

Being functionally a demigod does make protective gear pretty much entirely optional, yeah. Including for most opponents.

I'm more of a "boobs are boobs" kind of guy. Big boobs? Great. Small boobs? Great. Somewhere in the middle? Still great.
But the best boobs are and always have been the boobs I get to play with.
Though at risk of going the way of Jocat, I'm a fan of women in general. Looks-wise, a pretty face is what really does it for me, but there aren't many parts or types of women that I'd complain about seeing more of.

I won't spoil anything (at least nothing story-relevant; there's a lot of Arielle's story that happens in between this game and the potential prequel I have in mind, though bits of it will obviously come out over time), but Arielle's a terrible fighter. She's accurate with a spear, but only mostly because she can hold the back end of the haft and thrust. She can't shoot a bow, and most of melee combat has her hiding behind a shield trying not to fall over. The heavy armor is more of a crutch to keep her steady enough to stay standing after she gets hit so she can take advantage of whatever opening there is after her opponent is done swinging.
Which I realize doesn't line up with the gameplay at all because you can just plop her in the middle of everything and watch her push back the tide single-handedly, but combat is still being balanced.

I like Ynna, too. I mean, I like all my characters, but some of them are definitely a lot more fun to write. My current main project kinda has a problem with too many characters (there are more than 20 just in the MC's harem), so it's hard to keep the characters distinct while still having them fit a trope so I don't have to exposit a bunch to make you understand the character while still giving them room to grow and show proper depth over time. With a smaller cast (I think I've only got three or four other core party members to introduce here) I can spread those fun traits out a little more without worrying too much about overlap.

Back on the topic of not great fighters, Ynna does kinda need armor. Something I'm debating doing to help balance out combat is locking down all the armor options so all you get to change out is the weapon and accessory, which would let me tone down overall attack power, put health levels back where I originally wanted them, and bring Arielle down and Ynna up. Though part of my wanting to let you change gear on your own is the mobility aspect. Ynna's armor (well, "armor") gives her +1 move because it's light and unrestrictive (if maybe a little overly so), and Arielle's armor and shield both give -1 move under the same logic. I like the way those mechanics tie into the narrative of heavy armor being, y'know, heavy, and the effect that can have in terms of customizing your gameplay to your liking.
It might need to change for the sake of the overall health of the game, though.

But yeah, same. I've gotten to know a lot of adult game devs in the couple years I've been doing this, and the vast majority of them emphasize the narrative and the story they want to tell over almost anything else, and personally I think it's fantastic to see. I don't dislike porn (which I'm sure doesn't come as a surprise), but in the same way I'd say I'm not a pornographer, I'm a game developer - I want a game, or at least a good story, not porn. 
I just also want a little more than a fade to black in my romance arcs, too.

Mac version is giving me a message that it can't be opened. I have a M2.

Sorry for the trouble! Some Mac OS versions no longer support RPG Maker, so it can be difficult to get the game to run.

There's a post on another one of my projects (here: with instructions that might work for you. If they do, feel free to leave a like; I can start putting up steps if I know a given solution is reliable enough.
If it doesn't work, there's a reply with alternate instructions that might work instead. Same thing with the like - if it works, like his post instead.

I've seen 4 or 5 different versions of roughly the same steps that work for some but not others, so it might take a bit of fiddling to get working.